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Bonaparte Group is designed to establish an economic presence in the traditional territory of St’uxwtews.

With collaboration among the Bonaparte Indian Band community, our goal is to bring prosperity to the territory. Our organization has been created specifically to build capacity, business partnerships, and opportunities and to foster collective success while maintaining our unique cultural identity.

Our Goals Include:

  • Developing a strong and lasting governance structure
  • Generating wealth in a sustainable and responsible manner
  • Demonstrating stewardship principles by acting as leaders in the responsible use of the Bonaparte Indian Band resources
  • Establishing a community valuation system as it relates to decision-making

Bonaparte Vision

Our ultimate goal is to become a successful employer that’s well integrated within the surrounding communities. We aim to maintain our cultural heritage within the greater St’uxwtews community and to use this heritage to promote wealth and business within and without the territory to bring prosperity and success to all of our members.

We aim to practice our inherent rights within the territory (as granted by kelkukpi7 and ske’lep) in a way that empowers each member, instills pride and loyalty within our community, and helps local entrepreneurs embrace modern business practices while supporting each other’s efforts. When one succeeds, we all succeed.

About Us

Bonaparte Sales Limited Partnership, owned by Bonaparte Indian Band, was originally founded in 2015 in an effort to work towards a sustainable economic future within the greater St’uxwtews community.


PO Box 758
Cache Creek, BC
V0K 1H1

About Us

Bonaparte Sales Limited Partnership, owned by Bonaparte Indian Band, was originally founded in 2015 in an effort to work towards a sustainable economic future within the greater St’uxwtews community.


PO Box 758
Cache Creek, BC
V0K 1H1

©2020 Bonaparte Sales Limited Partnership. Website Design by Purple Pig